Level 3: Activating Compatible Alternatives for Healthy Living


Expanding your knowledge and setting yourself up for success

These classes are labs and workshops to put your knowledge into action. This class is designed to teach how you can use alternative modalities with The Parcells System. It will include Essential Oils, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy and interweave why meditation, yoga and breath work is so important to add to maintain mental and emotional support. This course will enhance your existing knowledge of how to use the Parcells method and expand your knowledge of adding alternative modalities to your preventative tool belt.

Each class will be 1.5 hours long on Zoom.
Classes will start on Wednesdays November 1, 8 and 15, 2023

Each class will have notes, assignments and suggested reading.


1. The Doctrine of Signatures
2. Traditional Chinese Medicine
3. Class lab and questions


5. Essential Oils
6. Massage/Exercise/Meditation
7. Lab work using these modalities


8. Homeopathy
9. Going over Homeopathic charts and using them with the Parcells method
10. Lab work with Terry

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